
Saturday, September 24, 2011


I attended an Estate Sale on Friday at a small house on the Hill. There were a few charming items at this sale that were just waiting for me to come along and find them. The house was very small and there wasn't a ton of stuff, but the prices were very reasonable so I was happy. I started in one of the two bedrooms in the house and came across some beautiful vintage Setwell coat hangers. I will most likely keep these to use because a) they are gorgeous and b) I kind of agree with Joan Crawford, I hate wire hangers (they will ruin your clothes). I also spotted a globe in the second bedroom and decided to pick it up, once I got home and had time to research it, turns out it is a 1976 National Geographic. The bad part is that it is supposed to have a light in it, but this one was missing the cord. It's still in great shape and very lovely. I also picked up an old door knob, a vintage baby dress, a vintage baby pillowcase, two vintage nightgowns, a old Georgia map, a Westclox travel alarm clock, some vintage Easter chicks, and a bottle (not vintage but cute).

Vintage Setwell Hangers

1976 National Geographic Globe

As I lugged all my junk to the table by the door to pay, I noticed a little basket with jewelry in it. I did not get to the sale until around lunch time and the sale had started at 9:00 a.m., so I didn't think there would be anything good left in the basket but decided to dig through it anyway. I'm glad I did. I found a small vintage sterling butterfly pin, a small lock and key, and a vintage charm bracelet (not sure if it's sterling, it's not marked so I guess not, but it doesn't stick to a magnet so I don't know). Anyway it tells the story of someone's life, each and every charm  had meaning to this person and I think it is so precious. I think I will put these items on Etsy although I think I will have trouble parting with the charm bracelet.

The scissors actually open and close

After work I stopped at the Goodwill but didn't find anything in housewares or clothes so I decided to go check out their book store. I found six books for my library. Two Martha Stewarts, Emily Post Etiquette, Millers Pottery and Porcelain Marks, Better Homes Christmas Ideas, and Ribbons and Trims by Annabel Lewis.

1982 Entertaining (Look how young Martha is)

Happy with my finds this week. If you want to see all the items I purchased at the Estate Sale, you can find them  here on our Facebook page. Hope everyone found great vintage things this weekend.

Sharing with:
Her Library Adventures - Flea Market Finds
Southern Hospitality - Thrift Treasures 
Apron Thrift Girl - Thrift Share Monday
Coastal Charm - Nifty Thrifty Tuesday

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Shiny Happy People

One of my favorite bands in the world is a little band from Athens GA. They had a different sound than most of the other bands of the 1980's, they were different and that just made me love them so. They announced today that they are calling it quits. I hate to hear it.

 I was fortunate enough to see them at Chastain Park in Atlanta GA with my only brother and my youngest sister. A wonderful evening spent listening to some beautiful music with two of my favorite people in the world.

A few years ago at the Annual Junior League Attic Sale I was thrilled to find this vintage 1986 R.E.M. poster (along with two vintage U2 posters) for $2.

These are just a few of my favorite songs. Thanks R.E.M. for making some beautiful music!

Me In Honey


Shiny Happy People


Sunday, September 18, 2011

So I love to Sew

I do love finding fabric, vintage sewing patterns and sewing notions in my thrifting adventures because I so love to sew. I haven't done much sewing lately but hope to get back into it as the yard sales, rummage sales and such slow down as the seasons change. I really would like to try to make another dress from a vintage pattern (have only made one so far), I only started making clothes a couple of years ago and had to teach myself through trial and error. I also love to sew for my great nieces (the red headed girls). So I thought I would share a few of the things I have made.

First up is the first Dress I ever made (used a new vintage pattern, I had not sewn the buttons on yet):

These are a few things I made for the red headed girls:

Wrap Dress
Bathing suit pattern from Sew Beautiful

And here are a few projects (some using vintage linens):

Made these out of hankie's that I found at a yard sale

I love these!

Pattern from Sew Beautiful that I edited to use as a bib (back view)

The little red headed girl in Halloween costume (skirt) I made!

I'm not the best seamstress in the world but I sure do enjoy sewing for myself, my home and my precious red headed girls.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Thrifting at a Funeral Home

Lot of great sales today and a first for me, a rummage sale at a funeral home. I had to go it alone today. Mom had a dinner planned this afternoon for her husband and his family so she was stuck in the kitchen all day (bummer). The first sale I stopped at was fantastic. I could tell these folks were dealers of some sort (all their stuff was vintage) and was concerned that the prices would be more than I wanted to pay. Surprisingly the prices were really good. I bought the majority of my items for the day at this sale. Lots of lovely things, here are a few of my fav's.

Marked Calif USA

Dang, it has a chip!

I love the fabric!

Vintage Pillowcases

1946 Cook Book

Vintage 1950's New York Map and other Goodies

Sale #2 had quite a bit of stuff, most not my style but I did manage to find a few goodies. I felt sorry for the lady whose stuff was being sold. It appeared that her children were forcing her to get rid of some of her things and I don't think she was real happy about it. Anyway here are the items that I took home with me.

Tablecloth - isn't the fabric so beautiful

Mini Juice Pitcher

Shelton Picnic Basket

Sweet Vintage Baby Dress

And the last sale was the Funeral Home Rummage Sale (fundraiser). I got there late and had no idea if there would be anything left or worthy, but you never know. I did find a few things that I took a liking to.

I love the color of this basket

Polished up lovely

Yes, this was at the Funeral Home Sale
These are only a few of the items I came home with today. If you want to see it all, you can visit our Facebook page here. Hope everyone had a great weekend and found wonderful things.

Linking to:
Her Library Adventures - Flea Market Finds
Southern Hospitality - Thrifty Treasures 
Apron Thrift Girl - Thrift Share Monday 
Coastal Charm - Nifty Thrifty Tuesday

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Time after Time

A while back my boss (knowing I love estate sales & yard sales) told me her cousin was going to be moving and had a sale planned for the upcoming weekend. She asked me if I wanted to go over the night before the sale to see if there was anything I might be interested in (well yeah, did you really have to ask). I asked her if it would be okay if I brought Mom with me and she said that would be fine. The cousin had some really great stuff and some really great prices. I bought quite a few items (so did mom) and I got one very special item at that sale for $25. I haven't photographed that item yet so I will share it at a later time. One of the items I picked up for $1 was a watch. You know I have a thing for clocks. Anyway the face on this watch was really lovely so I picked it up and asked Mom if she could make me something pretty out of it. I have to say she comes through time after time. This is what she did with the watch.

I am blessed to have such a lovely and talented mother.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

Just of few of the photo's from our trip this weekend that I think are beautiful!