
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Got Milk!

Okay this is a long post (not so wordy but lots of pictures). Stick with me till the end because I am closing with an unexpected but fabulous find!

Mom and I set out on this cool August morning (the weather here is fabulous) to a couple of promising sales. The first scheduled stop was in Waynesboro Ga. A guy I know who runs an Estate Sale Co. was having a warehouse sale today to clear out some of his inventory (and boy did he have some inventory). Most of the things I wanted were a little pricey for me but I kept digging and hoping. Mom found a ring of beautiful old clock keys (I had walked right by them and somehow missed them). Finally I spotted my treasure! I actually could have stopped my junk hunting for the day right then and there because I couldn't imagine finding anything more fabulous than this and I was totally satisfied but Mom was not so we pressed on. 

Here's a look at the warehouse.

I really, really wanted this industrial sewing machine! Unfortunately I have no room for it.

I thought this salesman sample was adorable but out of my price range.

There was so much stuff in there!

So here's what I came away with.

Old Pet Milk Crate with all the bottles!

This box had me when I saw the label.


Had to have this little sprinkler!

Our second stop was at an Estate Sale on the Hill. I can't begin to tell you how gorgeous theses old Hill houses are. While we enjoyed poking around in this lovely old house the prices were high. I really loved some of the pieces though. I didn't find much here and let Mom have the one good thing that we found. I did buy a vintage sweater with some great bead work and a vintage child's housecoat but that was pretty much it.

Lots of cars.

The house was spectacular!

Beautiful Beaded Vintage Sweater.

 Just look at that bead work!

 I couldn't resist this sweet house coat.

We made one last stop at the Antique Mall where we have our booth and I had to buy a couple of items that caught my eye.

An addition to my clock collection.

For now she will sit on my little pink shelf.

 Loved these little zinc tags.

Before I wrap up here is the unexpected but fabulous treasure I have to share with you. I picked these up earlier in the week. Now I'm not a Pyrex collector but when I saw these all I could think was "WOW"!

Gooseberry Pink Cinderella Mixing Bowls!

More pic's here on our Facebook Page!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

A Wonderful Wednesday

I'm not going to lie, I've had a pretty crappy week. Not much joy in it at all. I would have to say that Wednesday was the bright spot in this otherwise miserable week. There was a sale around the corner from my work and Mom was going to go check it out and let me know if it was worth me running over on my lunch break. When she called and gave the thumbs up I dashed over as soon as I could. I only had a short time to go through the whole house but was very pleased with the items I purchased. 

In the bedroom I found this 1904 Reliance Postal Scale. Even though it is missing the ink wells and one drawer I still wanted it. It charmed it's way into my bag.


This little jewel was hanging on the wall and I love it! It is a Charles Blondin signed and numbered etching/lithograph (not sure which yet but I am leaning towards etching). Charles Blondin was a 20th Century Impressionist painter who was active in Paris. It is of a lovely Paris Street scene and will go in my bedroom once I have done something with the hideous frame.

But the best find was in the Dining Room. I really like to find unusual things and when I laid eyes on these I knew they were something special. They are Bimini Art Deco Nude Cocktail glasses. Bimini glass was founded in Austria in 1923 by Fritz Lampl. I didn't know any of this when I bought them but my instinct told me they were going to be a fabulous treasure!


Here are a few other things I picked up:

Something to hang my unmentionables on. I don't know why but I had to have it.

I have never come across frogs shaped like this

Isn't this a great old photo (I love the guy with the mustache)

Original Pen & Ink

Tin Soldiers book plate

And this sweet hook

I feel the need to say that the Lord has blessed me with so much that I feel guilty saying that I had a crappy week. There is always something to be thankful for and always something to find joy in, hoping next week is better and if it is not that I don't let it affect my joy!

Hoping there was much joy in your week!

More pic's here on our Facebook Page.

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