
Saturday, July 14, 2018

Estate Sales

I haven't bought much since the Peachtree 23 Yard Sale. There just haven't been that many sales happening around here lately that have my kind of stuff. I did manage to hit a few and here are some of the things I picked up:

My brother and I road out to a sale in Warrenton GA the week of July 4th, not much but I do love the pin up Calendars and also picked up a trunk of old doll clothes marked 1920's. I think the clothes might be 1930's though and look to be made from feed sack material. I love the little red sun suit.

I picked up this sweet little Christmas card box (filled with some little treasures) at a dealer going out of business sale.

I stopped at 2 estate sales yesterday and didn't find much. I came hope with mostly books and paper.

Really hoping we get a good junky sale around here soon!

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!