
Friday, June 24, 2011

Thrifting Friday

Reed & Barton silver plate Flower Frog

Vintage Coat

Vintage Patterns

Vintage Praying Madonna Planter/Head Vase

1950's Sheet Music

Glass Canister made in France

Holland Mold Water Pitcher
I had the day off today and I'll bet you can guess how I spent it. Only one estate sale today, so I was up and out early this morning. Sometimes you get there and the house is filled with so much stuff that it's overwhelming, this was not one of those houses. I did manage to find several worthy items, but it just wasn't enough for me to get my fix. However the man running the sale was very kind, he totaled my items and asked me to make him an offer and he would take it if it was reasonable, I offered ten dollars less than the total and he said "because you are so sweet I will give you an extra five off" so I walked out with fifteen dollars off my total. I made out pretty good on that deal. What to do now, I needed to look at some more junk. So, naturally I headed over to my mom's to see if she wanted to hit the Goodwill and of course she did. We arrived at the Goodwill and each went our own way. I found two fabulous vintage coats, a red long JC Penny and a unusual long hooded coat made in Turkey. Coats at the Goodwill cost $7.50 each and I was so excited I just about couldn't stand myself. I browsed a little more but did not find anything else of interest and went to find mom who had found a a jacket for herself. Mom checked out first and then I put my two coats up on the checkout counter only to hear from the clerk "You know that long coats are $16.50 each". What? When did this happen, I have been going to the Goodwill for years. With tears in my eyes, I had to put the coats back on the rack. I just could not pay that much, it would defeat the purpose of thrifting. As mom could see the disappointment on my face, she suggested we go over to the Salvation Army. I must say I have not been to the Salvation Army store before and was pleasantly surprised at the selection and prices. To top it off guess what I found, a vintage coat for under $5.00, also picked up some vintage patterns and vintage sheet music. Salvation Army may be my new favorite store.

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