
Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Cookie Day

My mother always hosted a "Christmas Cookie Day" with our children when they were growing up. The kids really enjoyed going to Grandma's each year to decorate their Christmas cookies. Mom stopped doing this several years ago as all the grandchildren got older and not so much into the cookie decorating anymore. I really loved that tradition and wanted to keep it going with the great nieces so I hosted my second annual "Christmas Cookie Day" on Wednesday.

Here are some pictures of the set up before the guests arrived:

Old sewing table given to me by a friend doubled as cookie station #1.

Cookie station #2.

I made these sweet little chair caps

Simple place card.

Gotta love stamps.


Old enamel pan kept drinks cold. Love that it has a red rim.

I made 160 cookies plus mom brought some.

Me  waiting for the fun to begin.
So I ended up having 13 guests to include 5 nieces, 5 great nieces, 1 nephew, 1 friend of my niece, and of course my wonderful mother. We had a blast. Here are some pictures of our "Christmas Cookie Day" fun:

The Red Headed Girls arrive.

Shawn & Addie, Lori, Rory & Chloe

Shawn, Lori, Avery and Monica in front

Addie ate more cookies than she decorated (I think she only took one home)

My sweet Addie.

Andersen was very serious about her decorating.

Sweet Chloe (in one of my vintage aprons)

Kaylee (so pretty).

The older kids really had a blast, they are so creative.

Before it got really messy!

Grandma Helen helping out.

I feel so blessed to have these beautiful girls in my life. I so enjoyed my time with them and hope to keep this tradition going for many years to come. I can think of no better gift than spending  time with the ones you love.

So I guess I better wrap up, my boys are demanding more cookies (their favorite Chocolate Chips).


  1. What a wonderful tradition, and the cookies look delicious. Such a fun day for your whole family, sounds so much fun I might have to give it a try next year with my grandchildren.

    Merry Christmas, enjoy your holiday and make special memories.♥

  2. What a FUN day! Thanks for sharing! We used to do this with my grandma and my aunts, but haven't for many years...

  3. Oh I love your cookie decorating day always keep it going the kids will always remember it just like you did

    my little grandsons love doing that also

    thanks for all your kind comments this year on my blog

    Merry Christmas

