
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Some Days are just Perfect

Some days are just perfect and yesterday was one of those days. I got to watch my baby walk across the stage and receive his High School Diploma. I am a proud mom right now! My niece (my junker brother's daughter) also graduated on Friday night. So naturally we had to have a celebration for the graduates. I have been working on this little shindig for two days (with the help of my wonderful mother). I had been searching pinterest for some party decor ideas and banners seem to be very popular so I decided to try my hand at one. I used some thirfted material that I had, one of my Dad's old lettering books (he was a sign painter), and a little bit of wonder under. For something that I threw together pretty quickly I think it turned out pretty good.


I also decorated a apothecary jar for everyone to give Zach and Hannah some 
advice on how to succeed in life.

After the party I tied all their cards to an old skeleton key for them to have as a keepsake.

Then of course there was the food. Mom and I worked all day on Friday to put the spread together. I also found some great ideas for party foods (cheesecake stuffed strawberries & banana cream pie cups) on pinterest.

And a party would not be a party without family and friends and of course the red headed girls!

Congrats Zach and Hannah!

You can find the details in the Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries on our Facebook page or here.


  1. Congratulations to the grads, they both look very happy. Your table and decorations look fabulous, and the banner so cute. You and your mom did an amazing job!❤

  2. What a pretty party! Congratulations to you and the graduates. BIG milestone!

  3. Congrats to the grads. You and your mom did a great job. Cheesecake filled strawberries? Please share the recipes. I'm drooling just reading about them.

  4. Love the banner and the pops of red you have throughout the decor. The food looks yummy as well. Congratulations!

  5. What a lovely party and congratulations. I agree with Veronica, that sounds like a recipe that needs to be shared. Connie :)

  6. Okay Ladies - I posted a link to the Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries in the post. They were easy to make and a big hit at the party! Oh and they were delish!

  7. Love the banner! And the spread of fabulous food looks delicious. I love how you have used some of your vintage finds to serve and feature the foods. The utensils are adorable tied up with bits of gingham. I especially like the apothecary jars waiting to be filled with shared wisdom. What a fun party! Congratulations to the graduates.

  8. Congratulations to your son and niece. You must be such a proud mom right now! The banner turned out so good, love this idea. The food....WOW! I could reach in and grab it all.

  9. Congrats to your son and niece--the banner is adorable! The food looks wonderful..I would have enjoyed going to that party:)!

  10. The bunting is adorable, but the food looks amazing! I could go for some veggies and dip right now!!

  11. Wow what a party! The banner turned out so cute and the food is making me drool! I think you did a fab job. Congrats to the both of them. Don't cry mama, I know it's a bit sad to see your baby graduate. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.

  12. Congratulations! All your decorations and goodies look fabulous. Thanks for linking up to STL Wednesday!
