
Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Flea

It was a beautiful morning here in Augusta GA, you would have thought that the yard sales would have been in abundance. Unfortunately for Mom and I that was not the case. We found about 5 or 6 yard sales that  advertised our kind of "junk" and even those did not yield many great treasures (not enough to satisfy us anyway). What to do? What to do? We decided to head over to the "Barnyard" Flea Market to try our luck there but before I get to that story here are a couple of my yard sale finds:

I got a really good deal on this lamp (it needs a little TLC but I think it has potential)

This little vintage juicer was too cute!

Now on to the Flea Market adventure. As far as treasures go, the Flea Market can be kind of hit or miss. It is quite an interesting place though. I mean where else can you get your portrait made, have something monogrammed and get a dental checkup (I'm not kidding - they had a booth that offered dental check ups) all in one place. We always start at the back where the outside vendors set up and I found a few goodies right off the bat. There are a couple of inside booths that we always like to check out and as we wandered through the first one, Mom found a piece of jewelry that she asked about. The guy told her he would sell it for $4 and she told him she would take it. It had a mark on it but Mom forgot to bring her loop so she asked the guy if he could read it for her (big mistake). He got out his loop and after reading the mark he quickly told her the piece was broken and shoved it in a drawer. I can't tell you how mad that made me! It was all I could do not to tell him off. I don't think he will ever see any of our business again. Still furious we moved on to my favorite booth (this lady always has interesting stuff) where I found some vintage German paper lace. It is quite lovely. There were several other very interesting items at the Flea Market that piqued my interest but the price just wasn't right so I had to leave them behind. Here are the items I didn't leave behind:

Vintage Cocktail Shaker

Some Rusty Junk

Oh my, and this wonderful Vintage German Paper Lace

Even though we didn't find that much today, we had fun as we always do and I always feel blessed to be able to share my adventures in junking with my wonderful mother!

Please check our Facebook page here for more photo's and other items found today.


  1. Beautiful paper lace, and I am so sorry that the vendor was a jerk to your mother.

  2. oooooooooo....rusty junk.....gorgeous Verna xx

  3. LOL - flea markets have always been a little bit of a weird experience for me. The ones with all that cheap, crappy junk! You can get anything from freeze dried shrimp to bidets..

    & I absolutely love that juicer - sooo adorable. Never seen a juicer like that either.

  4. I feel the same way about sharing my junking adventures with my mom. Love the rusty stuff and that lamp is fabulous.

  5. Wow ~ amazing finds. I particularly love the paper lace ~ how lovely!

  6. Now the cocktail shaker and the way you styled it with the Colonial in the background really floats my boat!

  7. The cocktail shaker is really great! Greetings from Germany

  8. Well, I guess you've learned a good lesson - at $4 just buy it & check the mark later.

  9. That paper lace is stunning. Haven't seen anything like it. Great finds.

  10. Just found you - came over from Coastal's party. I live near you and I am green with envy about that fab paper lace - it is beautiful. I will be back over to browse your other posts. I am your newest Linky follower.

    Distressed Donna Down Home

  11. The paper lace is so pretty. I've never seen anything like it.

  12. Hi, I love all your finds. I have something similar to your paper lace only in vinyl. I've used it before to tack on the front of shelves...Connie

  13. The lamp is so fun, you really scored with it. The vendor at the flea market had already sold it to you. It would have made me furious too. I wonder, wonder what he saw.

  14. I love flea markets even if you don't find anything. It's like an open air museum of memories!
    My VERY VERY Favorite thingie you found is the paper lace. I remember my Mom lining the pantry shelves with it!
    I can NEVER pass lace without bringing it home...LOVE IT!!!
    Have a wonderful week,


  15. VERY cool paper lace! Love vintage paper ephemera... also love your little cocktail cart... does it actually say cocktail on it?? That's so retro!!

  16. I am here in Atlanta at the Haven conference and Ii wish I could go to that flea market! It looks amazing!

    Have a blessed and wonderful day!

  17. I love seeing what others finds at flea markets and let that be a lesson to mom , LOL don't ask a dealer to read anything , really sorry she missed the piece of jewelry, by the way what did it say?

    I really like the lamp and juicer

  18. I always love to see what treasures you find. The lamp is sweet and I think you will have it all spiffed up in no time. Love the rusty junk and the paper lace is gorgeous! I know what you mean about being with your mother. My daughter has been here recovering from surgery and we went junking for just a while last Sat. I loved being with her and hope she feels the same way. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.

  19. Hi - the fun of going to flea markets and estate sales is not always what you's the fun you have doing it. I have gone to so many over the years - and although I have gotten some's mostly the fun I have with friends that I remember the most. When I go with my husband (although I love him dearly...) I usually come home with very little and it's more like a job than fun!! I hope he doesn't read this!!


    PS - I am a new follower...hopefully you will come to my blog and follow as well!

  20. Oh you did find some goodies...I especially love the paper wonderful! Thanks so much for stopping by my cupcake toppers post!

  21. Hello, Helen! Your lace trim rolls are excellent specimens of vintage shelf trim. In all the background research for my blog post on vintage shelf trimming, I never encountered anything like colored faux lace paper created using an embossing technique. I'm bubbling with excitement right now! Thank you for leaving the URL of your post on my page so my readers can see your stunning discovery!

    By the way, how did you figure that the lace originated in Germany? Was there some sort of note on the packaging, or did the maker print something on the back?
