
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Tons of Vintage Jewelry

As I was perusing the garage sale ads online Friday morning I ran across one that said "Tons of Vintage Costume Jewelry". Well that got my attention! I googled the address and come to find out it was in my neighborhood. Hmmm - wonder if I could go by there tonight on my way home from work. I tracked down the phone number and called and at 6:15p last night I found myself digging through tons of vintage jewelry (the downside was that it was all in the garage and the heat was unbearable but somehow I managed to suffer through it). I found some really beautiful pieces and one of the largest rhinestone brooches I have ever seen. I will be keeping the rhinestone pieces (to include a Weiss Cocktail bracelet)  for my collection but the others will be going to the booth or listed on Etsy. Here are my new jewels:


Oh and she gave me two vintage purses for free. One is a Julius Resnick with rhinestone clasp!

I also had an appointment to meet a lady who had contacted me earlier in the week, she had a child size mannequin she wanted to sell and wanted to know if I was interested and of course I was. These come in handy when sewing for the Red Headed Girls. So after I left the jewelry lady's house I headed over to pick up the mannequin. I ended up chatting with the mannequin lady for about 45 minutes. She also had some vintage fabric she wanted to unload and sold me tons for $10. I finally got home about 8p last night.

Oh yeah I almost forgot to include my Friday lunch break yard sale finds. The Seth Thomas clock does not work but it was just so lovely I couldn't leave it. I think this would be a great piece just for display or elements of the clock could be repurposed.

So another Saturday of staying in and with the heat like it is I was glad not to be out in it. Many, many, many more photo's here and here on our Facebook Page.


  1. Gorgeouss jewerl, but that vintage fabric is fabulous. Great treasures.

  2. Love all your sparkles! What a score :)

  3. What amazing finds! Jealous of the amazing vintage rhinestones, the gorgeous fabric and those excellent purses!

  4. GREAT finds! I have never been to a tons of vintage costume jewelry rummage sale!

  5. I can't take my eyes off the globe Verna!!!

  6. You sure found some great treasures! Good for you.
    Mary Alice

  7. I dream of old vintage costume jewelry and vintage purses.

    great finds I just love our treasures hunts and finds

  8. Lovely jewelry! And I love the beaded purse - super treasures!!

  9. What a haul! Love all the jewelry and the fabric is wonderful. I'm anxious to get out this weekend, hope I can find bling like yours.

  10. Wow! You found some awesome things. It is nice to be able to sleep in some Saturdays, isn't it? With treasures like these, you can sleep soundly knowing you've already hit the mark!

  11. A mannequin and vintage fabrics-what great finds!! You have some great connections and a good eye for sales. Thanks for your sweet comment on my little vintage pitchers. Fun to hear that you also had lemonade stands as a child. Sounds like you might have had lots of thirsty customers at the bait and tackle shop!

  12. You found some great things. Great idea to go early to the jewelry sale! Thanks for linking up to STL Wednesday!

  13. Great finds, love that vintage jewelry!! thanks so much for linking up to Vintage Inspiration!!

  14. Hi, I've been away but I wanted to hop over and see your weekend finds. Love, love the vintage fabric. I bet the mannequin was a fun piece also. Costume jewelry is always so fun. I have some of my mothers upstairs in the bonus room for my grandies to play dress up with. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.
