
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Bring on the Turkey - The Table is Ready

Wow, it's been a very busy week. Work (which has been crazy), Halloween with the Red Heads and a craft show with mom (will be posting about that later) have consumed my week. I was exhausted and decided to stay in this weekend and try to be crafty and get my Thanksgiving table setting together. I had to look no further than my own backyard for the crafty part of my table. I know my neighbors must have wondered what in the world I was doing crawling around on the ground picking up acorns and fallen branches, but free beats going to buy something from the store! I stuck the branches in an urn I had and hot glued the acorns (after glittering them up a little) to the branches. I also put some acorns in a small covered dish I picked up a couple of weeks ago.

So here is the anatomy of my Thanksgiving table:

Love, Love, Love my tablecloth! I bought it many years ago at the Scott Antique Show in Atlanta. It came with twelve napkins and it is in perfect condition.

Of course I used thrifted dishes, glasses and silver ware!

Only thing left to add is a little decor. 

And of course my crafty acorn tree!

Here it is all put together!

Hazel even gussied up for the occasion!

More pic's on our Facebook Page here.


  1. it looks beautiful! i love the little glittered acorns, and that is a great table cloth!

  2. Your table is gorgeous and I love that Hazel put on her apron and is ready to join the party. Love those pearl handled little knives - so pretty.


  3. Gorgeous! And I love the silverware choice too.

  4. I adore that tablecloth. It couldn't be more perfect for Thanksgiving.

  5. I LOVE that tablecloth! What a fabulous find, and a wonderful beginning to your lovely tablescape! It all looks so pretty together! I am taking notes as I get ideas! Can't wait to put together our Thanksgiving table!

    Thanks for joining in BWW!!
    Have a delightful week!

  6. What a wonderful table setting. Love the tablecloth. Your ideas are fabulous. Even Hazel is ready for a special day.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  7. Pretty table setting, I love the tablecloth. Have a great week, Laura

  8. You have set such a lovely table and Hazel looks great too!

  9. Looks like you are ready. Cute idea to use the post cards. Are they Thanksgiving scenes or something else? Glad Hazel is ready with her apron.......Sarah

  10. Looks lovely! I'll be featuring you at Knick of Time Tuesday - thanks so much for sharing at the party! I've got a new, "I Was Featured" button waiting for you there!

  11. It's easy to see why you love that tablecloth. Works fabulously for your table. The acorn tree is so cute. What a great and thrifty idea! Thanks so much for sharing it with SYC.

  12. Just beautiful, love the tablecloth and urn filled with dried branches!

  13. Visiting from Knick of Time. So many beautiful details and lovely subtle colors! Thanks for sharing your pretty table.

  14. Hopping by to let you know that I am featuring you today at Share Your Cup.
