
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Community Yard Sale

Last weekend Mom and I attended a community yard sale which was held at the Columbia County Fairgrounds. I have attended this sale before (with much success) but Mom had not and we were both hoping for great things as we headed out that morning. As soon as we arrived and started our shopping the bottom fell out and I got soaked (Mom was still under the cover thank goodness) but the rain only lasted a few minutes (just enough get everything messy including me) so we continued on. There were a ton of people participating so there was plenty to look at. It was a good mix of stuff to include vintage. I brought home the following:

More Vintage Patterns

Some Paper Coasters, Old Toy Cast Iron Horses, Spools, and some Vintage Childrens Yard Tools

And some Creeping Jenny

When we left I asked Mom if she wanted to go back by the Estate Sale where I got all the Vintage Patterns the day before (see last week's post here) but she said she was ready to go home so I dropped her off and decided that I did want to go back by the Estate Sale (it was on my way home anyway). I'm glad I did because I had some luck and found a few more special things. Here is what I brought home from the Estate Sale:

Some Vintage Christmas

A sweet 1936 Sprats Dog Care Book
(I have a Beagle and could not pass this up)

A big box of 1950's and 1960's Maps

Little Heart Shaped box that goes with the Wedding Topper I bought the day before

Old Yale Lock from the 1940's

And these lovlies

 When I told Mom I went back by the sale she said "You went back without me". Next time when she's says no I think I will take that as a yes! It was a fun day and I wrapped up the weekend with the Red Headed Girls Dance Recital. If you ever have the opportunity to go to one of these please go. It was so much fun and I can't tell you how much beauty filled that room!

Hope you are having a Wonderful Weekend!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Patterns & Buttons

Well I guess you could say my weekend had a pattern to it. Earlier in the week I was browsing the estate sale ads and I spotted some lovely vintage patterns and other old sewing notions. Oh how I wanted those patterns! I got up very early on the first day of the sale and rushed over hoping to be the first in line to get in. Of course that meant I had to wait forever until they actually opened the door but I passed the time chatting with a sweet older couple (they were so adorable). I am happy to say that I accomplished my mission and brought home some gorgeous vintage patterns and a ton of vintage buttons in every color, shape and size!

Once I secured my patterns (yes, I had to secure them as people were asking about them left and right) I went back to the sewing room and found a little cabinet filled with beautiful buttons.

I did find one other little treasure before I left, this little bit of vintage goodness was sitting on the dining room table mostly being ignored by everyone.

This Bride & Groom are just gorgeous, after some research I think this dates to the 1920's or 1930's. Look at the style of the dress. I'm glad no one else was paying any attention to them!

I only posted a small sample of the patterns and the buttons, so if you would like to see more visit our Facebook Page

Well that was my Friday haul and Saturday was just as good. Mom and I went to the Columbia County community yard sale. I think it's too much to include in this post, so hopefully I can get another post up on our Saturday finds later this afternoon.

Hope you had as much fun as I did this weekend and found lots of wonderful things!

Sharing with
 Knick of Time 
Ivy and Elephants - What's it Wednesday 
The Thrifty Groove

Sunday, May 5, 2013

A Different Kind of Treasure

It has literally rained all weekend here in Augusta GA. There was only one sale listed for Friday and Saturday but I decided to pass on it (not enough information in the ad to entice me). I got a ton of stuff last weekend that I am still sorting through and just didn't feel like getting out in the bad weather anyway. However that doesn't mean I didn't bring home a little treasure this weekend.

Even though I work year round, my employer is a seasonal one. At the end of the season there are a lot of beautiful plants and hanging baskets left over. A drawing is held and if you are lucky you get to take one of these lovlies home. Well Friday was my lucky day, my name was drawn. I was really hoping to get some Confederate Jasmine but was afraid that by the time I got to the designated area to pick mine up they would all have been taken. Lucky again for me that my friend offered to go down and try to get it for me (she's the best!). Mission accomplished! She was able to snag this beautiful specimen for me.


So even though this is a different kind of treasure than I usually bring home I was just as excited about it and can't wait to get this baby in the ground!

 Hope the weather is better where you are and that you are enjoying a wonderful weekend!