
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Another Hill Estate Sale

There have been tons of Estate Sales in the Hill section of town this summer. I attended a sale on Friday morning in an old cottage that was just one street over from the sale I attended last week (where I found the fabulous bar cart). Old Mill Estate Sales had advertised the sale and they are not local so I was worried about what kind of prices they would have but Mom went over on Thursday to scout it out and came home with some very cool stuff and said they do bundle pricing. So you just make a pile and they give you a price, the more you buy the better the price. So I was up and at the sale early (first person there and didn't see anyone else until about 5 minutes before they opened the doors) ready to start making me a big ole pile of junk. There were three floors to go through - the attic (a huge standup), the main house and a basement. I started in the attic and my hands were full within 5 minutes. The main house was pretty picked over from the prior day so I ended up finding most of my stuff in the basement and attic. Here are a few of the things that went in my pile:

A little collection of Ballerinas
Ballerina dolls marked "Made in Italy" 
Two flat plastic Ballerinas (I have no idea what they are)
Love the illustration on the sweet little book


I found a lot of neat stuff in the basement

More metal stamps with letters and numbers (they are tiny)
Two bags of lovely keys
Ball Fridge and Freezer Jar
Old Coca Cola Rulers
My favorite is the office tray (beautiful details)

I also spotted this drawing and had to have it (the lady at the checkout said "She kind of looks like you" - I can't figure that one out except for the fact that I wear vintage style glasses.


Of course I had to find some big heavy stuff (my brother was not there to help me out this time) to lug around and make it hard to get down the stairs without banging into people.

Funeral Baskets - the paper mache and wicker one if my favorite
1930's School Wall Clocks

So it was another good week in the junking world!

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!


  1. great finds! i love that old tray especially! i wonder if the flat ballerinas could be cake decorations? that is what they make me think of.

  2. You again found some awesome items. Love the office items!


  3. Oh my what great finds I love those little dolls oh so cute

  4. Wow! You found some great stuff. I have one funeral basket, but my husband insists on calling it a "flower" basket. Yeah, whatever!

  5. Verna you have such a good eye! I'm loving the office tray! I miss you and hearing about your junking adventures! :)

  6. Verna, you have such a good eye! I'm loving the office tray :) I miss you and hearing about your junking adventures! The blog will have to do ;)

  7. Verna you have such a good eye! I'm loving the office tray! I miss you and hearing about your junking adventures! :)

  8. I would have been in 7th heaven getting to go through someone's basement and attic....what fun and you got great stuff!

  9. Awesome finds! I love love love the office tray and all the little do-dads inside. And the clocks! You could make such a cool wall display with all of those.

  10. I adore the clocks! They look almost identical to my treasured, thrifted clock.. but a different brand :
    Great finds!!

  11. Oh, the keys! Love the clocks and the ballerinas. I am wishing I had not made a promise of no estate sales for a month!

  12. You found some AWESOME tiny little treasures! I am in love with the pink ballerina dolls. Can't believe those things were still there -- it sounds like it was the second day of the sale? Good stuff!

  13. I love the tray and everything in it the clocks are great nice finds.

  14. That is one wonderful haul! I love it all. The office tray is beautiful. Your estate sale luck continues!

  15. Clocks, keys, and stamps! Wonderful finds x

  16. Some wonderful treasures you found ~ I love basements, not many people want to venture into them either :) ~ The ballerinas are just so sweet ~ I have a few of those rubber stamps that have numbers on them, fun stuff ~ Judi

  17. Nothing better than a good day out shopping for treasures

    and you found lots

  18. I love the sweet little dolls...I collect dolls! And the black box is incredible! How perfect to hold vintage treasures! Great finds!

  19. You sure did find some great treasures. I love all those keys and the pretty box.

  20. Back to thank you for linking up with TTF this week. I'm still loving your finds!


  21. Great treasures indeed! My favorite is also the old tray with its dovetail corners and decorative side.


  22. Fantastic finds! Love those keys and yard sticks/rulers. The clocks are great too! Catherine

  23. Wow, lots of fun treasures! love the drawer/box and all the fun items in it! thank you for sharing with us at TTF.

  24. Oh, you have been to so many great sales lately. The box is a real beauty and I love the keys and rulers! I found a wicker funeral basket that looks a lot like yours at a yard sale a week ago. I now have three. Two wicker and one metal. Looks like you have a great collection of them. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  25. The flat ballerinas are paper dolls. To be precise, the dolls are plastic, but the original clothing was paper. I have a set of 5 dolls like these with paper dresses found at a flea market.

  26. The flat dolls are paper dolls. I found 5 dolls like these, including paper dresses, at a flea market this summer.
