
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Estate Sale - Yard Sale Finds

I don't even know where to begin. It has been a fantastic weekend for junking. Friday I hit two estate sales and bought a bunch of vintage childrens clothes (still working on cleaning them so no pic's yet) and a few other odds and ends to include this really quirky planter:

He is not marked but I bought him for myself because I just love his oddness!

On Saturday I got up really really early (and I didn't want to) and went out to a community yard sale at the fairgrounds here in Columbia County. I was pretty disappointed because there was only one vintage seller in the whole bunch. He had some cool stuff and I bought several items from him at really good prices. Here is what I bought from him:

Vintage Coke Pop Corn Boxes

Bender's Anatomy Charts for Court Room Use (1960's).

When I left the community sale I stopped at a couple of Church sales and wow, these may have been my best finds of the day!

Sterling Charm Bracelet (you would die if I told you what I paid for it).

Guatemala Coin Bracelet.

Mexican Silver Dachshund Pin.

I wasn't quite ready to go home so I pulled my phone out and checked the estate sales again and there was a new one listed that I didn't see on Friday. It was a hoarder sale - my favorite kind!!! Lots to dig through. I got there and wow, it was really a mess. The house really smelled bad and junk was just piled up everywhere. They had tried to move as much as they could outside. I found some neat stuff.

As I was checking out I noticed a sign in a pile that belonged to the lady in front of me. I knew her as she also had a booth in the same antique mall we used to be in and I also worked with her husband for many years. I told her that I wanted to buy the sign from her. She picked it up and put it in my hands and said just take it. I couldn't believe it, you just don't experience kindness like that very often these days. I offered to pay but she was not having it, so I helped her to her car with her pile of stuff. I owe her big time. The sign said Morris Av. and my mother's maiden name is Morris. I drove straight over to Mom's and surprised her with it. She was just thrilled! Here is a pic I took at Mom's house.

So you would think that was a pretty good haul right? No need to go out on Sunday. Well the pull was too great for me and I had to visit the hoarder sale and make a second pass today. I also experienced another act of kindness. After I piled up my stuff, it was a cash only sale and I realized I didn't have enough. So I told the man I would leave a deposit and run to the bank up the street and be right back with the rest. The guy behind me (who I see at every estate sale I go to) pulled out the balance and gave it to me. He said I could just pay him back the next time I was in the Antique Mall. Junkers are just really nice people!!!

Now I just need to get busy and get some of this on Etsy. 
Hope you had a fabulous weekend and found some wonderful vintage treasures!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

This Week's Finds

Not a great junking weekend, I went to one sale yesterday and there really wasn't a lot that appealed to me. I did find a few treasures and some stuff for Mom. I grabbed a bag full of vintage cocktail napkins that are really different from anything I have in my collection. They are just so delicate and dainty! There are enough for me to keep a set and put a set up in our Etsy shop for someone else to enjoy (I love it when that happens)!

I also found another Augusta piece for my collection. A little pouch for Ice Cream Spoons!

I bought this box of Jeweler's tools thinking that Mom might want some of the pieces, not sure how old they are (don't think they are super old).

So not the best junking weekend I have ever had but the cocktail napkins certainly made the trip worth it.

Hope you are have a Great Weekend and Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers in blog land!