
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Estate Sale - Yard Sale Finds

I don't even know where to begin. It has been a fantastic weekend for junking. Friday I hit two estate sales and bought a bunch of vintage childrens clothes (still working on cleaning them so no pic's yet) and a few other odds and ends to include this really quirky planter:

He is not marked but I bought him for myself because I just love his oddness!

On Saturday I got up really really early (and I didn't want to) and went out to a community yard sale at the fairgrounds here in Columbia County. I was pretty disappointed because there was only one vintage seller in the whole bunch. He had some cool stuff and I bought several items from him at really good prices. Here is what I bought from him:

Vintage Coke Pop Corn Boxes

Bender's Anatomy Charts for Court Room Use (1960's).

When I left the community sale I stopped at a couple of Church sales and wow, these may have been my best finds of the day!

Sterling Charm Bracelet (you would die if I told you what I paid for it).

Guatemala Coin Bracelet.

Mexican Silver Dachshund Pin.

I wasn't quite ready to go home so I pulled my phone out and checked the estate sales again and there was a new one listed that I didn't see on Friday. It was a hoarder sale - my favorite kind!!! Lots to dig through. I got there and wow, it was really a mess. The house really smelled bad and junk was just piled up everywhere. They had tried to move as much as they could outside. I found some neat stuff.

As I was checking out I noticed a sign in a pile that belonged to the lady in front of me. I knew her as she also had a booth in the same antique mall we used to be in and I also worked with her husband for many years. I told her that I wanted to buy the sign from her. She picked it up and put it in my hands and said just take it. I couldn't believe it, you just don't experience kindness like that very often these days. I offered to pay but she was not having it, so I helped her to her car with her pile of stuff. I owe her big time. The sign said Morris Av. and my mother's maiden name is Morris. I drove straight over to Mom's and surprised her with it. She was just thrilled! Here is a pic I took at Mom's house.

So you would think that was a pretty good haul right? No need to go out on Sunday. Well the pull was too great for me and I had to visit the hoarder sale and make a second pass today. I also experienced another act of kindness. After I piled up my stuff, it was a cash only sale and I realized I didn't have enough. So I told the man I would leave a deposit and run to the bank up the street and be right back with the rest. The guy behind me (who I see at every estate sale I go to) pulled out the balance and gave it to me. He said I could just pay him back the next time I was in the Antique Mall. Junkers are just really nice people!!!

Now I just need to get busy and get some of this on Etsy. 
Hope you had a fabulous weekend and found some wonderful vintage treasures!


  1. So many amazing finds. Love that crazy bird planter for sure and the doll is so 60's!!

  2. Oh my - what WONDERFUL finds! Do you have any more of the anatomy charts besides the brain? I work in gastroenterology and we have a few vintage medical posters/charts up in our office. Makes it more fun!

  3. Love the charm bracelets just like mine from the 70's

    come over to my house i'll give you a few smalls LOL xoxo

