
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Deja Vu

Well my Favorite Junking Partner (Mom) joined me this morning on another quest to find some great vintage junk. I was happy to have her back after going it alone the past several weeks. As usual, we had our plan mapped out. First stop was an estate/moving sale (the same one I went to a couple of weeks ago and scored all of those vintage baby items). They opened the basement this time. I found lots of goodies down there to include an old Landers, Frary and Clark thermos (circa 1916), some reproduction Dietz lanterns, a really cute little step ladder, and a box of old sewing stuff. I really wanted to poke around a little more, but Mom was ready to move on to the next sale so we paid and left. Here are the finds from Sale #1:

Stop #2 had me a little worried, something about the ad just didn't add up. Some guy moving and selling everything in his house. The ad said he had a lot of antiques (and he was not using a estate company to help him). This could be good or bad. It was bad, he had looked everything up on ebay and thought that people would be more than happy to pay those prices. He kept asking mom and I about pricing and I was like "Dude, you are probably not going to sale anything if you are holding out for those kind of prices, people going to these kind of sales are looking for deals". In my head I was saying "You are one crazy little man that talks way too much". I did end up talking him off the pricing ledge on a couple of items. I could go on and on about this kooky little guy but I won't. Mom did not care for him at all and did not buy anything. Here is what I was able to take home with me:

Sale # 3 was a repeat also. I had attended last weekend (the one where they sold my stuff out from under me). The family was running the sale this weekend and the prices were better, most things were a dollar. I scored a beautiful vintage steel cut belt buckle, some vintage beaded trim, and some vintage holiday cards plus a few other items. Here are some of the items I walked away with:

Our last stop (Sale #4) was the best of all. It was a Church sale that started yesterday (I was unable to attend yesterday due to a little thing called work), so I wasn't expecting much to be left today but I pleasantly surprised and found some great treasures. I found a vintage gold lame Ande' clutch purse, some great vintage patterns, vintage Christmas paper coasters, a set of Funk & Wagnall (gotta love the name) encyclopedias, and a gorgeous tablecloth among other things. I only spent $6 at the sale.

But my favorite find of the day is this little lady, she is a vintage cast iron cake mold and she is one hot chick!

I know I say this every week, but I buy quite a bit of stuff and always photograph it all, so if you want to take a peek go here. Also if you love vintage fashion, I posted  about 500 hundred photo's from a 1944 Vogue book you might be interested in checking out here, here and here or you can check out the post I did on the book here. It had many gorgeous pictures and ads that might be helpful in dating vintage clothing, perfume bottles and other lovely stuff.

Hope you all have had as wonderful a day as I have and found fabulous things!

Sharing with:
Her Library Adventures - Flea Market Finds
Cap Creations 
Apron Thrift Girl - Thrift Share Monday 
Coastal Charm - Nifty Thrifty Tuesday 
Type A - Anything Goes 
Very Merry Vintage  Style - Share the Love


  1. Love your finds. That chicken mold is amazing.


  2. wow wonderful finds!!!!

    The Joyful Thrifter

  3. Love the pattern and the cake mold is awesome!!!

  4. Some really gorgeous finds, but my favourite is the little stepladder- I love wooden things.

  5. Ephemera especially vintage is my favorite, so you know I would say I love the cards and the noel coasters. Liking your wire objects, what is the use for the wire orb on the stand? For some reason, that also caught my eye. You find the best treasures.❤

  6. How exciting that you could still find some treasures on the second day of the church sale! The cast iron chicken mold is great. The pattern is so adorable, too. Of course I spied that cute Snoopy; I'm partial to the beagle.

    Now heading over to check out your photo gallery so I can ooh and ahh over your found treasures.

  7. Wow sounds like a fun day! You did find some great things. That vintage beaded trim is fab!

    Thank you for linking up at Cap Creations. Be sure to come back every Friday for our thrift theme link up.

  8. I need to shop with you! Great finds yet again. I cannot even begin to decide which are my favourites.

  9. Great finds! Love all the metal items.
    And don't you think Funk and Wagnall sounds like a cop show!

  10. Great finds. Love the Valentine's and that cute pattern. It is frustrating when people price things that way... you know they're eventually going to lower the price but you probably won't be around for it! Thanks for linking up to Share the Love Wednesday!

  11. Great finds. You hit the jackpot. I adore the beaded trim, the ironwork pieces and the ladder - love the ladder.
