
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Tons of Vintage Jewelry

As I was perusing the garage sale ads online Friday morning I ran across one that said "Tons of Vintage Costume Jewelry". Well that got my attention! I googled the address and come to find out it was in my neighborhood. Hmmm - wonder if I could go by there tonight on my way home from work. I tracked down the phone number and called and at 6:15p last night I found myself digging through tons of vintage jewelry (the downside was that it was all in the garage and the heat was unbearable but somehow I managed to suffer through it). I found some really beautiful pieces and one of the largest rhinestone brooches I have ever seen. I will be keeping the rhinestone pieces (to include a Weiss Cocktail bracelet)  for my collection but the others will be going to the booth or listed on Etsy. Here are my new jewels:


Oh and she gave me two vintage purses for free. One is a Julius Resnick with rhinestone clasp!

I also had an appointment to meet a lady who had contacted me earlier in the week, she had a child size mannequin she wanted to sell and wanted to know if I was interested and of course I was. These come in handy when sewing for the Red Headed Girls. So after I left the jewelry lady's house I headed over to pick up the mannequin. I ended up chatting with the mannequin lady for about 45 minutes. She also had some vintage fabric she wanted to unload and sold me tons for $10. I finally got home about 8p last night.

Oh yeah I almost forgot to include my Friday lunch break yard sale finds. The Seth Thomas clock does not work but it was just so lovely I couldn't leave it. I think this would be a great piece just for display or elements of the clock could be repurposed.

So another Saturday of staying in and with the heat like it is I was glad not to be out in it. Many, many, many more photo's here and here on our Facebook Page.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Night Pickin

I did not end up going out to any sales on this beautiful Saturday morning. Why you might ask, well because I did my pickin last night! There was an ad on Craigslist advertising an Estate Sale in Wrens GA for the 6th and 7th of July and the items that were listed made my head spin. I mean everything from old signs, pottery, old coke items, advertising pieces, old toys, door knobs, and old locks (I mean do I need to keep going). The ad said if you were interested in looking before the sale to call the number listed. So when I got home from work yesterday I called. I asked the guy if I could come out on Saturday morning and he said that wouldn't work but he happened to be at the location where all the stuff was and I could just come on over if I wanted. Well I of course I wanted to but I didn't want to go by myself. Mom is out of town, my brother was not available and my sister did not want to go. Wait a minute I have two sons upstairs, why not take them. I can't say that the were overjoyed to be making a 45 minute trip out to the country on a Friday night but they climbed in the Explorer and off we went. We arrived about 8p and I have to say the guy had some good quality junk but it was priced too high for me to be able to resell. However there were a few pieces that I wanted for myself (well actually there were a lot of items I wanted for myself but I had to stay within my budget) and I think I got a good deal on them. I did get one item that I think I can resell and make a profit. I think he under estimated the value of this particular item. So here we go, here is what we brought back from our night pickin trip:

Beautiful Old Locks (the one with key is my favorite)

Vintage English Bobby Whistle

 I fell in love with this little nail box

and this fabulous industrial factory cart

Jadeite Measuring Cup with Juicer

I kind of wish I could pick every Friday night, it was so nice to sleep in this morning!

I did go to a couple of Estate Sales on Thursday and Friday, but only found a few things (spent less than $10). You can go to our Facebook page here to see more pics of the items above and the other treasures I picked up this week.

Hoping you find beautiful things this weekend!

Sharing my finds with:
The Blue Eyed Owl - Thrift Score

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Flea

It was a beautiful morning here in Augusta GA, you would have thought that the yard sales would have been in abundance. Unfortunately for Mom and I that was not the case. We found about 5 or 6 yard sales that  advertised our kind of "junk" and even those did not yield many great treasures (not enough to satisfy us anyway). What to do? What to do? We decided to head over to the "Barnyard" Flea Market to try our luck there but before I get to that story here are a couple of my yard sale finds:

I got a really good deal on this lamp (it needs a little TLC but I think it has potential)

This little vintage juicer was too cute!

Now on to the Flea Market adventure. As far as treasures go, the Flea Market can be kind of hit or miss. It is quite an interesting place though. I mean where else can you get your portrait made, have something monogrammed and get a dental checkup (I'm not kidding - they had a booth that offered dental check ups) all in one place. We always start at the back where the outside vendors set up and I found a few goodies right off the bat. There are a couple of inside booths that we always like to check out and as we wandered through the first one, Mom found a piece of jewelry that she asked about. The guy told her he would sell it for $4 and she told him she would take it. It had a mark on it but Mom forgot to bring her loop so she asked the guy if he could read it for her (big mistake). He got out his loop and after reading the mark he quickly told her the piece was broken and shoved it in a drawer. I can't tell you how mad that made me! It was all I could do not to tell him off. I don't think he will ever see any of our business again. Still furious we moved on to my favorite booth (this lady always has interesting stuff) where I found some vintage German paper lace. It is quite lovely. There were several other very interesting items at the Flea Market that piqued my interest but the price just wasn't right so I had to leave them behind. Here are the items I didn't leave behind:

Vintage Cocktail Shaker

Some Rusty Junk

Oh my, and this wonderful Vintage German Paper Lace

Even though we didn't find that much today, we had fun as we always do and I always feel blessed to be able to share my adventures in junking with my wonderful mother!

Please check our Facebook page here for more photo's and other items found today.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Turn of the Century Electrotherapy Museum

Well as you know from my earlier post I scored a fabulous old industrial lamp. I was overjoyed to find this piece for a mere fifty dollars. I love industrial style pieces and have them sprinkled throughout my home. After I got this lovely lamp home I was curious to find out more about it so I went online and started searching. Lucky for me there is a tag on the lamp which gave me excellent clues of what to search for. I found a piece just like mine at Urban Remains (listed for $995 - are you kidding me) but it really only gave me the basic information. Finally I found the perfect website! Turn of the Century Electrotherapy Museum! It is a web site run by Jeff and Rita Behary. Jeff and Rita have spent many years researching antique medical and X-ray equipment and have been so wonderful to put all their research online to share with others. Lucky for me I stumbled upon them. I e-mailed Jeff to ask about his photo's and he graciously gave permission for me to share them here. So let's take a peek:

(you can see the whole booklet by clicking on the link above)

I think this booklet addresses every kind of illness you could possibly think of. Very interesting reading and a very interesting website. I don't know about you but I have heard a tale or two about some pieces that I have purchased in the past that turned out to be just that - a tale. It's nice to find good solid information on your vintage finds. Please stop by and visit Jeff if you get the chance and if you happen to find any vintage medical pieces this would be an excellent resource.

Now I am going to take a 60 minute neutral bath, set under my heat lamp and have a warm glass of milk, per the booklet that should cure my insomnia!

Just kidding!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Vintage Industrial

I just love Vintage Industrial Style! Imagine my delight when out junking today (with Mom) I found two great industrial pieces. There was only one Estate Sale in town today and there just wasn't any thing there that spoke to me. I did pick up a couple of small things and mom found one or two little treasures but overall it was very disappointing. We moved on to a little thrift shop in Trenton SC that had placed an ad online that I happened to run across last night. Once we finally found the place (don't ask - we are so directionally challenged even with a GPS) I wandered around and thought to myself that we had traveled all that way for nothing. As we were getting ready to go I happened to look up and saw a vintage industrial wine rack. The price was right and all of a sudden I was feeling better about the day. There is one like it listed at Factory 20 and it dates to the 1970's, mine is much smaller than the one they have listed. Lesson leaned here - always look up!

Vintage Industrial Wine Rack

Since we were already in SC we decided to drop by our favorite thrift spot and boy am I glad we did. Last time we were there Mrs Thrift Shop promised me and Mom that she would have her husband take us out to the warehouse where they store a bunch of old stuff and let us dig around the next time we came in. Well today was that day and Mrs. Thrift Shop made good on her promise. Mom found two great chairs and a nice old box but I only found one thing and it was the find of the day. Of course I knew this was going to come out of Mom's mouth and it did "What do you want that for?". Well I know that you all will appreciate this beauty. It's a vintage industrial Britesun carbon arc lamp. I am going to have it rewired and converted to a regular lamp and this baby is staying with me (I don't know how I am ever going to make any money when I end up keeping half the stuff I find).

Vintage Industrial Britesun Medical Heating Lamp

I did find a very similar lamp on Urban Remains, it is described as a 1920's piece. It's a Alpine Sun though, but the lamps are almost identical. I can't believe what they are asking for theirs. Does anyone ever really pay that much???? Makes me glad I'm a junker.

More pic's here on our Facebook Page.